Campaigns for FIAF’s Language Center
Concept, Identity, Design, Illustration
Dec 2021–Sep 2022
Concept and design of Language Center Fall, Winter, and Spring campaigns to promote taking French classes at FIAF. Marketing materials included posters, postcards, and web & social media graphics.
Learn French, Gain a Super Power!
Winter 2021Learning a new language gives you awesome super powers, new perspectives, and allows you to meet your new super sidekicks.

Learn French, Join The Super Team!
Spring 2022The French super team is expanding... Now, Monsieur Super-Oui is accompanied by Monsieur Croissant and Madame Baguette.

Ditch the Apps—Learn from the Experts
Fall 2022While language apps can be fun, they’ll never get as close to teaching you the reality of colloquial French spoken by natives.